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bird on a limb

Like a bird on a limb on a windy day,

I wonder if this branch will snap out from under me.

I have wings to carry me away,

Yet, I’m still afraid...

Afraid of what?

Afraid of the strong wind?

The wind is exactly what gives flight to these wings!

Afraid of heights?

I'm a bird. God gave me these wings to defy the heights!

Afraid of falling?

I guess there is always a chance my wings suddenly stop working...

There’s a chance the wind is so strong it blows the feathers right off my back!

Leaving me vulnerable. Naked.


There’s even a chance I forget how to use my wings.

I flap them just a little wrong, then splat!

No time to read the manual.

There’s always a chance I could fall…

All the way to the ground.


I just can’t take that chance. 

So I think I'll just stay here on my branch where it's safe.


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